This page is intended to provide guidelines when seeking records from Instacart. Information on this page may change from time to time and is intended for informational purposes only.

What is Instacart?

Maplebear Inc. (d/b/a Instacart) is a technology company that utilizes a proprietary communications and logistics platform to facilitate quick, on-demand grocery delivery services across the United States and Canada by connecting users with personal shoppers. Instacart partners with local retailers who wish to have their products available on Instacart’s platform for delivery to customers, and engages with independent contractors who provide personal shopping and delivery services. Instacart is not a retailer.

What information is maintained by Instacart?

We collect and maintain information as described in our Customer Privacy Policy, Customer Terms of Service, and Shopper and Shopper Applicant Privacy Policy.

What legal process does Instacart require before producing information?

We generally require that all legal documents be served on our registered agent for service of process in compliance with applicable laws. The name and current contact information for the registered agent in each U.S. state is available online here. The name and current contact information for the registered agent in Canada is available online here.

We do not accept service of legal documents through email unless you have received direct written consent from the legal department.

We are unable to process overly broad, vague, or unduly burdensome requests. Accordingly, we will only consider requests that are narrowly tailored and comply with applicable laws.

We ask that your request include the following:

  • All known email addresses, names, and aliases of the subject about whom you seek information, and/or all known physical addresses and telephone numbers of the subject.
  • The specific information that you’re requesting, why you’re requesting this information, and how the information you are requesting pertains to your investigation.
  • The applicable law under which you have the legal authority to request the information and clear identification that the request is confidential and for legal purposes only.

Third Party Requests

We require service of a valid subpoena in compliance with applicable law prior to releasing any information on users or personal shoppers, unless the legal department has given authorization to provide the information requested to the requesting party. All third party subpoenas must be served through our registered agent for service of process. 

Alternatively, service can be effected on Instacart’s registered agent for service of process in California: Maplebear Inc. d/b/a Instacart, c/o Cogency Global Inc., 1325 J Street, Suite 1550, Sacramento, CA 95814.

Law Enforcement Requests

Law enforcement representatives can submit legal process to Instacart via the Law Enforcement Portal

Law enforcement representatives may also contact us at Instacart does not waive proper service. If you are not law enforcement personnel, any emails sent to this address not be returned or forwarded. 

Victims of Identity Theft

Victims of identity theft, or law enforcement agencies on their behalf, may be entitled to certain records relating to the theft under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”). For more information, please visit this link

Pursuant to Section 609(e) of the FCRA, Instacart requires victims to provide: (1) verification of identity (e.g., valid government issued ID); (2) proof of a claim of identity theft (e.g., police report or FTC issued Identity Theft Report); and (3) relevant information about any transaction alleged to be a result of identity theft. Requests under the FCRA and all required documentation must be submitted in writing to